Friday, March 13, 2020

Forced to Reschedule!

Hey guys, I’m back home after having to cut our competition trip short and it all feels like a dream. I still can’t believe that STN was cancelled and I’m now back in Florida. 

Earlier today, our superintendent held a press conference explaining what will be happening within the public school system due to the coronavirus outbreak. 

In all honestly, I truly did not expect this virus to create an outburst like this. Stores are sold out of hand sanitizers, wipes, water and even toilet paper! I don’t really understand the need to stock up on toilet paper but I digress. The superintendent has said that all public schools in my county will be closed for the next week in order to limit the spread of this virus and keep students and faculty safe. Soon after this was announced, the entire state of Florida’s public schools said they would be closed as well. As for my school, we have this week off due to this and the following week is our spring break, so essentially we have 2 weeks off from school. 

Many are taking this as a long vacation, however for Nick and I, we have no idea what to think! With our project’s due date rapidly approaching, our schedule must change. Nick and I planned to finish preplanning in class but now that we don’t have school for two weeks, we must figure out another way to work on this project. We hope to finish the script by this Sunday and then from that point on, we’ll start finding actors and begin filming. 

As for my Nashville trip, my parents are unsure of whether we will still be going or not due to this virus being spread. However, they would like to go due to the recent tornado that went through the city. Luckily my brother is safe and wasn’t affected by this disaster, but they would still like to go visit him. If I don’t end up going on this trip, Nick and I would have more time to work together but regardless, I’m always on my phone and can help him out whenever needed. Hopefully this virus soon starts to die down and operations can resume normally. For now, make sure to watch your hands and avoid large crowds! Until next time...


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