Hey guys! As you may know, our project is due on Sunday! This post is going to be complied of a few different topics Nick and I discussed throughout the week.
First off, I just wanna say I’m so proud of how Nick and I have been working together this week! Earlier in the week, while Nick was filming, I decided to look at the list of font choices Nick took a look at while I was writing the script. He used the site
1001fonts.com which had a wide variety.
He was telling me how he liked the idea of sticking to a handwritten style of a font to fit the vibe of handwritten labels on boxes and I liked his idea. In the end, we decided to use the font named Berthusen.
Nick was able to finish filming the entirety of the short film on Monday. On Sunday and Monday, he was able to get some pictures to use as key art for the postcard and website and sent them over in my direction! Nick is well versed in Photoshop compared to me so he helped me adjust some elements such as photoshopping the curtain to fit the entirety of the wall. Once he was able to do that, he sent me the Photoshop file and I continued to adjust the saturation and blue tint until we were both pleased with how it looked.
Here is a before and after:
Here are some drafts of the postcard I created as well:
I was really happy when Nick told me he liked the postcard! I’m not the best at Photoshop so it took me a while to figure out what to adjust but thanks to Google, I was able to do it to our liking! Nick and I have finalized our postcard, but you guys will have to come back to see our final choice! :)
As for the website, I am pretty much completely done with that as well. Nick and I wanted to keep the website as simplistic as possible so it is easy to navigate through. Here are a few pictures of the layout as well as some designs I created in Photoshop for the website:
Nick is currently editing the short film and he said he will be completely done with it tomorrow! He’ll send it over to me and if we need to make any changes, we still have the time to do so. Nick and I are at the home stretch and I can’t wait to see it all together! Be sure to stick around to see the final products! Until next time…