Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Hey guys! So we are in a slight predicament… Our county has just announced that schools will not be reopening until April 15th! FOUR DAYS BEFORE OUR PROJECT IS DUE!!! 

It’s not guaranteed yet but they have announced the earliest date we will be returning to school is April 15th; however, we may be out for even longer. This just threw a wrench in the class of 2020’s senior year. đŸ˜¢ After 12 years of waiting for the end of senior year, we may not even have one at all. I don’t think anyone truly understood how serious this virus was until it spread across the world like a wildfire. Many seniors are upset since their last sport seasons have been cancelled, last competitions have been cancelled, prom may be cancelled, and senior bbq, senior shaving cream fight, and graduation are all questionable. I don’t think anyone ever imagined saying this but we truly wish we were back in school to experience our last few months of high school. 

With all this being said, Nick and I have hit a wall. Since this virus has been spreading rapidly, Nick’s parents and my parents don’t want us leaving our houses. We really aren’t sure what to do. How are we suppose to film if neither of us can leave our homes? Another thing is that the potential actors were thinking of for our film aren’t allowed to leave their houses either so we are stuck. We aren’t really sure what to do right now but we are hoping we can figure something out within the upcoming days.

In other news, my brother’s school in Nashville ended up closing due to the virus, so instead of us going up there, he’ll just be moving back home sooner than he was suppose to. He should be moving down sometime next week or the following week once he’s done packing up his stuff. 

If you guys have any suggestions for Nick and I’s filming dilemma, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Until next time…



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