Friday, March 6, 2020

Beginning the Script!

Hey guys! So Nick and I have finally started to work on our script! 

We decided to make an outline of the script before we wrote out the entire script just to make sure we fully understood the idea we created. Below you will see the outline:

Outline of Script
Show C1 go through a full day and loop. Their day would include them saying hi to C2. Once in the middle of the second day when C2 waves, go slow mo and rewind to show C2 go though the loop. To portray the loop, show oddly specific events that happen (3 times).
To introduce C2 either show them going through the loop OR show C2 cut into C1’s routine. Have C2 get upset and talk with C1 about how they want to stop the loop but C1 does not. Have C2 try to screw up C1’s loop in a way to break them from their routine and have C1 throw a fit. Then have C2 try to convince C1 to break the loop. Cut to the intro loop shot with the alarm clock.
Have C1 be meticulous with the way they plan their day. Have them count as they brush their teeth and have them have a stop watch for all the tasks they do daily.

The daily routine:
  • Wake up
  • Brush teeth
  • Get dressed (show same clothes in closet)
  • Show them put on their watch
  • Make breakfast
  • Get in car and go to library
  • At stop light have someone scream at someone else
  • Have them pull up to library and have someone almost drop a book but C1 catches it
  • They read a book and then stop watch goes off
  • Say hi to C2 
  • Go to watch a movie 
  • Go home 
  • Shower 
  • Go to sleep 

We also just started to create the script on This is a free program which allows anyone to collaborate with others and create a script. Below you will see what we’ve done so far.

Nick and I are continuing to work on the script, however I just wanted to share our thought process thus far! Until next time…

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