Thursday, March 19, 2020

Making The Most Out Of The Situation

Hey guys! If you’ve read my previous blogs, you would have seen that Nick and I are in a predicament due to the Coronavirus. However, earlier today we were able to meet with our fellow classmates and teacher to get some advice and updates on our project. My teacher was able to set up a conference call with all of us using BigBlueButton.

During this conference call, our teacher updated us on everything she knew was going on and was reassuring us about our projects. Similarly to Nick and I, many of our classmates have the similar issue of not being able to film. Unfortunately, there really isn’t much we can do other than try to work around the situation. 

Nick and I were thinking that we may have to change our storyline of our short film. Although this may be more work to completely scratch everything we have planned thus far, it seems like it may be the only way for us to be able to complete the portfolio project. Since Nick and I aren’t allowed to leave our houses, we were thinking that Nick may have to film using his sister and parents within his house. I wouldn’t be able to film since neither of my siblings are living with me and my mom still has work everyday. The only way we see a work-around for this scenario is if Nick would film and edit the short film and I would create the postcard and website. Although this is not what we wanted, this seems like it may be the only way for it to work. Nick and I both have the Adobe Suite so we would be able to email the Premiere Pro/Photoshop files back and forth if we wanted too but that may cause some confusion. However, if he does ever need me to fix something, that will always be a possible method for us to use. Nick and I will still be working hand-in-hand on planning the entirety of the film, website, and postcard, however in order to see them through, this seems like it may be the best method due to the unfortunate circumstances. So as of now, Nick and I are back to the drawing board for more simplistic ideas which he would be able to film entirely within his house using his sister and parents. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Until next time…

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